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November 29, 2011 by
“It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters in the end.” – Ursula K LeGuin I think we as parents of special needs understand this more than any other parents in the world. And even still, I fight this truth so much. As someone who’s good…
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October 18, 2011 by
I don’t like waiting. Which is kind of ironic because I’m a mom, and a mom of multiple developmentally delayed kids. For years we’ve been waiting with one of our daughters – waiting for meds to kick in, for her moods to stabilize, for her mind to find balance. At our meeting with the counselor…
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You know, I hate to be a whiner. It’s just not part of my chemical make up. BUT, sometimes, by the time I get drug through the week by my hair, Friday is just the most frustrating day of the week! I feel like I’ve spent all week fighting with or for something, I get…
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October 11, 2011 by
Some kids just pop out of the womb self-assured and confident. Mine, not so much. Raising 2 former foster kids, assurance is like a foreign language in their minds! It’s been a huge learning process for us to figure out what works and what doesn’t in helping them find confidence in stress. And I know…
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October 6, 2011 by
Our family floats upon a cloud that delivers us from one crisis to another, sometimes playing bumper cars with the these crisis’ making them all blend into an amazing storm. I’m currently taking Certified Nursing Assistant classes for 5 hours per night (5 pm to 10pm) four nights a week for four weeks…not to mention…
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September 27, 2011 by
A month ago my 8 year old entered a residential treatment facility. Three weeks and 6 days ago, my 9 year old began to feel horrible about it. No matter how hard things had become at home with her little sister’s behaviors, her absence brings anxiety. Partly because said 9 year old has challenging behaviors…
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September 13, 2011 by
There’s a new diagnosis on the block. This time, it’s for us – the parents. A few months ago, I wrote about a must-watch stress documentary for special needs parents. Yesterday, while visiting my daughter at her residential treatment facility, I discovered a term that explains what we face even better than stress. Compassion fatigue….
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September 6, 2011 by
The holiday has passed, the change of season seems to be upon us – something I am nothing short of thankful for. It’s this time of the year I get energized, my mood is much happier, the bounce is added to my step. If this morning is any indication, it’s a good thing it is….
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September 6, 2011 by
Yesterday was a Labor Day my family won’t soon forget. It was the first weekend (and holiday) since one of our daughters was admitted to a residential treatment facility for mood and developmental issues. Sure, we did the usual Labor Day things: played games, bar-b-qued hot dogs and spent time with extended family. But it…
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Written on
August 16, 2011 by
I try to keep my blog posts positive and informative … but today I must VENT. Thanks for listening!
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