I apologize for the brief delay in posting today. I will blame it on re-entry issues from our wonderful, but routine-zapping camping trip. That and the start of school just a day later seems to have put my schedule (and my brain) in a blender on high speed. Meanwhile, I picked the child up from…
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School started today, much to the boy’s delight. Here he is scanning the road for signs of the bus. And no, he wasn’t giving anybody the finger, he was just flexing them one by one, 🙂 <a href=”http://www.specialneeds.5minutesformom.com/category/special-exposure-wednesday/”><img title=”specialexposurewednesday” src=”http://www.specialneeds.5minutesformom.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/specialexposurewednesday.jpg” alt=”special needs wordless wednesday” width=”286″ height=”255″ /></a> Share what you managed to capture. Spread the…
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Written on
August 23, 2011 by
I want to write to you to tell you all the positives that can come from special needs, or rather, what we learn and how we grow as individuals raising children with special needs. I want to give inspiration rather than sorrow, the promise of a rainbow after the clouds. But I can’t. Not because…
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August 23, 2011 by
Melissa has participated in Special Olympics Golf for the past 10 years! Last weekend I once again had the pleasure of being her Unified Partner … and we left the event with a BRONZE MEDAL for our third-place finish.
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August 23, 2011 by
My little girl is finally safe in a hospital – a mental hospital – and I’m losing my mind about it. I know some of you have kids with special needs of the neuropsychological kind, too. This post is for you. You know those moments when you wonder where God went? Because if He was…
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August 23, 2011 by
Yahoo! Announces Homepages for Homerooms Project to Support Teachers and Students Across the Nation Yahoo! has launched the Homepages for Homerooms project which provides an easy, no-cost way for anyone to fund classrooms and teachers by simply making Yahoo! their homepage. As part of the Homepages for Homerooms program, Yahoo! is partnering with DonorsChoose.org, a reputable education…
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August 22, 2011 by
I came across an interesting article today. And by interesting, it made me roll my eyes and sigh audibly for my husband to say “what is your problem?!” The article in question can be found here-Â “What I wish parents knew”: Doctors, teachers, therapists, and more weigh in. If I had opted for a longer title,…
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August 20, 2011 by
It’s official we started back at therapies…after a year break…under protest but just the same we’re back. Yesterday we had our first visit, Physical Therapy, as we’re in the waiting room my son’s cracking up a at door that opens shuts constantly (first thing in the morning so busy time). He proceeds to then find…
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Jack is totally in to the Backyardigans (in Jack-anese that’s “back-ya-ya-ya”). There’s this episode that he’s fixated on where the Ya-ya-ya’s chase the wormens around the house singing “what’s bugging you, what’s bugging you, do you have a pesky pest?!” Seems there’s pesky pests everywhere these days (Here: we are talking literal and figurative!). In…
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I met a mom at the park the other day. Somehow I don’t think we’ll be new best friends. It all started when my kids decided to play in the sand area, and I settled in the shade with my book. The child asked if I had brought her bucket and shovel and I told…
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