Category Archives: Me Time


I’m doing my nightly routine of writing. Since C’s been off work for a bit, our routine consists of cozying in the basement, space heater on, watching movies. Me with my laptop, he with his remotes. Tonight is different. Tonight, I’m sick. It’s not a usual thing. Family rounds of illnesses usually latch onto me…

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A conversation with myself…

I catch myself…staring out the window at the way the sun reflects off the wet grass, or how the moon seems to look like a smiley face tonight. My mind wanders and I think….(what should I cook for dinner, I need gas in the car, we’re out of diapers, my parents arrive on Friday, there’s…

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Dealing With Stress

How do you deal with stress? It’s obvious that most parents of kids with special needs deal with more stress than the average parent. But how you deal with it can make all the difference in the world. Internalizing it? BAD. Finding a healthy way to release it? GOOD. How do I deal with stress?…

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Celebrate One Thing

I guess I struck a nerve last week. I’m not the only “super-mom” out there who is not feeling so super. A week of perspective seeking has helped. Getting a couple of nagging projects off my plate has helped. Remembering to not write at the end of the day will probably help, too. I felt…

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New Groove

I need a sabbatical. I know from time to time we all need a break. I’ve taken to calling this much needed break a sabbatical.  You see life got turned upside down in August. My mom entered the hospital with what we thought was going to be pneumonia but spent 2 weeks inpatient getting a…

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Too Many Friends?

When Peanut was born, we immediately contacted our local Down syndrome guild. When Peanut was a mere two weeks old, I attended my first Mom’s Night Out with other moms of children with Down syndrome. Very quickly I enveloped myself in the world of parents of children with special needs and found comfort in knowing…

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Peace in the Wee Hours

Ah, the wee hours of the morning, when the sun and my children are still asleep — where they stir quietly, smiling in their sleep… dreaming of sailing the high seas on their new pirate ship… in another world — there is resounding peace here in my world. Everything is as it should be. No one is judging us. No one…

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Managing Expectations to Foster Acceptance

There’s this concept out here in special-needs-land that we parents have to mourn the loss of the typical child we were expecting before we can accept the child with special needs that we were gifted. Personally, I’m not sure I buy that! I didn’t mourn. I embraced instantaneously. And, I did so, I think, because so…

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I’m So Tired

I spent all week thinking about this post. And I have nothing. I’m too tired to think. This time of year I’m just spent. Physically and emotionally done. Thanksgiving. Hanukkah. Christmas. All take emotional tolls on me because I’m not just planning a fun holiday celebration, but also organizing how we’ll get through the celebrations….

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Savor the Simple Things This Holiday Season

It is late in the evening, my daughters are tucked into bed, the house is restored to order and the lights are turned down low,  I am weary from the physical act of being in motion all day- spread thin between appointments, a desk buried with work, a home that needs tending and Zoe’s constant…

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