We’re moving. It’s actually, really happening (after 4 years of crying about it!). My husband and I have been married for almost 14 years. This will make our 8th move. We’re professional movers. We have it down to a science. I can pack and unpack a house in record time. Only, this time, I’m struggling!…
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I am about as introverted as people come. I am also chronically clumsy, and average looking at best. I was never cheerleader material. I wasn’t even interested. It never mattered until a couple of years ago when my husband and I were blessed to sit in on a behavior management class, which we desperately needed….
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The boy has his own flock, at least, the cuddly kind. It is also the only one where lions, dogs, pigs and seahorses live and sleep together, 😉 Oh, if you’re wondering what happened to lion’s hair, go here. Share what’s going on in your world. Please spread the comment love around. <a href=”http://www.specialneeds.5minutesformom.com/category/special-exposure-wednesday/”><img title=”specialexposurewednesday”…
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Written on
July 19, 2011 by
Connection with another is the most natural occurrence in a human life. From the instant a child is born, we talk about ways to connect, laying upon his mother’s bosom for skin to skin contact, for the mother-to-child bond that is so crucial. When we’re sad or elated, even going about the normal routine of…
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Written on
July 19, 2011 by
A compelling list for parents of kids with special needs.
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July 19, 2011 by
This week, I travel across the country to She Speaks, to press into my dream of writing a book. In the program, we’ll each share our story. This is part of mine – and I’m excited to share it with you, my fellow parents-in-the-trenches of special needs. ———————- “Curiosity is …another name for Hope.” ~Augustus…
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July 18, 2011 by
Thanks again to the ever fabulous Christine for helping me come up with a topic for this week!! It’s not that I lack the knowledge to come up with new and awesome posts, it’s mostly because I really like to hear suggestions from others on what I should tackle every week, so, that being said-…
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July 17, 2011 by
I am not sure when it was exactly, that I stopped planning ahead. It could have been when Zoe was little and ill all the time. Maybe when her big sister Olivia was still catching every virus too- but somewhere along the years with appointments, kids school stuff, daily care and flu seasons- and trying…
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Yesterday was rough all over. I’m still recovering from our trip last week – behind on everything. My semi-chronic neck pain is back with a vengeance thanks to the long hours of driving. I barked at the kids about little stuff but didn’t have the energy to keep them occupied and out of trouble. I even…
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July 12, 2011 by
One of the most rewarding things a parent can experience is watching their special needs child interact with unaffected peers. And no matter how many times I have witnessed this interaction, I always seem to experience the same emotional cycle of anticipation, anxiety and then pride. Last weekend was no exception.
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