Category Archives: Support

A Prayer For Memorial Day

As we prepare to celebrate Memorial Day Holiday in the US, I thought it’s fitting to take a moment to pray for our Armed Forces. While I realize that not everyone who reads the posts on this site might share my beliefs, I hope nobody would find this prayer offensive. Furthermore, I hope everyone, in…

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We All Want the Same Things

I attended a gathering of parents with special needs children a couple of nights ago. There are a lot of things stirring in our community that bore discussion, but this phrase, spoken by one of the Dads there stuck in my head. We all want the same things… Our children may be different in various…

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Thank YOU!

You know who you are… your the mom that most can’t relate to, the mom that takes her job seriously. The mom that’s misunderstood more than understood. The one that stands up for what’s right and wrong. The one that is the child’s first teacher and strongest advocate. You are the REAL EXPERT of your child….

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Friendship Road

Since we’re walking through another season of learning curve, this time related to my mother-in-law’s needs, I have been realizing again the importance of friends…and not just any friends, but friends who really know what you are going through. For us, this is not just people who have taken care of an aging parent, but…

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Why Me?

As a parent of a special needs child, we have all asked the question … why me? But rather than focus on the negative, what if we turned this into an opportunity to grow? What if you believed, as I do, “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!”

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Last weekend being the long Easter weekend, my sister-in-law had invited me to go shopping in the States. The exchange rate is in our favour right now (I’m in Canada) and the prices at the outlet mall we were planning to hit are always good. My son who turns 9 today started going on a…

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What no parent should ever have to do

It’s not something any of us want to think about. I faced it once, 4 years ago, when my then-1-year-old had inexplicable black outs and seizures over the 18 months following her 1st birthday. As a parent of children with profound special needs, it’s a constant, if hidden, companion to us. What if the unspeakable…

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Learning…I’ve not written about homeschooling yet so I thought maybe this would be a good time. Homeschooling isn’t so typical for us, we have many challenges to get over. We do use therapies as part of our daily routine (even if we are still on sabbatical from professional therapies at our local hospital). We do…

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Is that too much to ask?

This week my husband’s grandmother passed away. She was 93 year old, never took more than a multi-vitamin in her life. She did however, several years back, begin her journey with Alzheimer’s Disease. It was a long journey, spending 10 years in a nursing home. She had 5 children, 12 grandchildren…and so many great grand…

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A conversation with myself…

I catch myself…staring out the window at the way the sun reflects off the wet grass, or how the moon seems to look like a smiley face tonight. My mind wanders and I think….(what should I cook for dinner, I need gas in the car, we’re out of diapers, my parents arrive on Friday, there’s…

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